Are you looking for complete assistance in storing your Goods in a furniture storage Paris ?
TPR Transport will simplify your task, because unlike self-storage, service provides you with experienced movers who will do the internal storage of your container for you, thus avoiding any movement and handling, as well as a lot of hassle, even damage.

Are you looking for flexibility and tranquility?

If you are looking for a Paris furniture storage facility offering worry-free services, TPR Transport will be the one that will offer you optimal services, those you have the right to expect in terms of storage. Located in the close suburbs of Paris, our furniture storage Argenteuil, secured by remote surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allows for easy parking, has a comfortable loading and unloading area, making the transfer of your Goods safer. Whether you want to store your entire apartment, some furniture or simply a few boxes, our moving company 95 is committed to providing you with tailor-made services. The packaging of your Goods is done by teams trained in packaging and intelligent storage.

Want to know more about our services?

OUR moving company offers you a complete and worry-free service. It manages everything, from one end of your storage to the other: the packaging and transport of your Goods if you wish, their entry into storage, their packaging, your redelivery whatever your final destination if you wish. . Our staff will provide you with a storage contract and a detailed inventory. You will choose the value you wish to declare. You will be able to access your lot with a simple call. If you wish, we can provide you with a handler to move your belongings (addition or removal).

We are one of the only furniture storage units in Paris to offer such comprehensive storage services. They are particularly suitable for companies keen to preserve their time to use it for more professional purposes, and for individuals busy with their various professional or personal activities. You can now ask our staff for your free quote by visiting our website: